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Research Clusters

The Research Clusters are made up of unique, dedicated and interdisciplinary group of scholars who are motivated by contributing to planning education and research in sub-Saharan Africa. The purpose of the research clusters is to promote collaboration among faculty members and to grow the research culture in their known areas of expertise and interest. The Research Clusters are intended to work to bring greater attention to faculty and student research, leveraging external funding and facilitate research collaboration.

Each cluster has one or more research projects that results in outputs such as publications in high impact journals, policy briefs, seminars and workshops. The clusters and sub-groups have a minimum of three faculty members working on a common area.

Each cluster has a lead who is expected to keep data sheets and events sections of members, research, publications and liaise with the Department WEB Manager to update information on the Department Website. Cluster leads also provide quarterly report of the activities of their respective clusters to the Departmental Board through the Head of Department.

Members are allowed to pursue individual research projects in a related field or pursue collaborative research as a team. Details of the composition of the various clusters and their research focus can be found below. Research students in the Department of Planning will work with faculty members within the various clusters to build their research capacities.